simulate method
Simulate the processing of a HTTP request.
This is used for testing a server.
Pass in a Request for the server to process. This will be a Request created using one of these constructors: Request.simulated, Request.simulatedGet or Request.simulatedPost.
The response returned can then be examined to determine if the server produced the expected HTTP response.
Future<SimulatedResponse> simulate(Request req) async {
// Set the server for the request. This is done here, so a simulated
// request doesn't need to have its server set when it is constructed.
req._server = this;
// Get the server to process the request
_logRequest.fine('[${}] ${req.method} ${req.requestPath()}');
await _processRequest(req);
// Return the response
final result = req._simulatedResponse;
// Once the simuation has finished, the [req._server] becomes meaningless.
// Previously, this code reset it back to null. But with null safty,
// it cannot be null, so the value of the request's [_server] remains set.
// Just don't use it outside of a simulated run.
return result;