onInputsChange property

(bool Function(BlocType bloc, {List newInputs, List previousInputs})?) onInputsChange

This callback will be called when ever the inputs change. This will receive the current BlocType, the previous inputs and the new inputs.

Use this callback to update the BLoC (e.g. call some method) instead of the default behavior of creating a new BLoC instance.

The returned bool signals whether the BLoC has been updated successfully with the new inputs, or whether a new instance should be created from scratch. Return true for not recreating the BLoC, so you have handled the change of inputs. For recreating the BLoC, return false.

This allows you to handle different input changes differently, e.g.: {@tool sample}

  createBloc: () => Bloc(),
  inputs: [locale, isVip],
  onInputsChange: (bloc, {previousInputs, newInputs}) {
    if (previousInputs.first != newInputs.first) {
      return true;

    return false



final bool Function(
  BlocType bloc, {
  List previousInputs,
  List newInputs,
})? onInputsChange;