modifyMetaData method

void modifyMetaData(
  1. CustomizableWiredashMetaData mutation(
    1. CustomizableWiredashMetaData metaData

Modify the metadata that will be collected with Wiredash

The metadata include user information (userId and userEmail) and any custom data (Map<String, Object?>) you want to have attached to feedback.

Setting the userEmail prefills the email field.

The build information is prefilled with

  • build data from EnvBuildInfo injected during compile time
  • app information like the app version
  • session information like the appLocale (from context)


  (metaData) => metaData
    ..userEmail = ''
    ..buildCommit = '43f23dd'
    ..custom['screen'] = 'HomePage'
    ..custom['isPremium'] = false,


To reset all metadata (i.e. when the user signs out) use:

await Wiredash.of(context).resetMetaData();


Please do not keep a reference to the incoming metaData parameter. The reference might not be outdated and not be used. The metaData object is only guaranteed to be up-to-date within the modifyMetaData method.


void modifyMetaData(
  CustomizableWiredashMetaData Function(CustomizableWiredashMetaData metaData)
) {
  final before = _model.customizableMetaData.copyWith();
  final after = mutation(before);
  _model.customizableMetaData = after;