collectMetaData property

(FutureOr<CustomizableWiredashMetaData> Function(CustomizableWiredashMetaData metaData)?) collectMetaData

Adds additional metadata to feedback

This callback is called when Wiredash collects information about the device, app and session during the feedback or promoter score flow. It may be called once or multiple times during a single flow.

Mutate the incoming metaData object and add or override values

  projectId: "...",
  secret: "...",
  collectMetaData: (metaData) => metaData
    ..userEmail = ''
    ..userEmail = ''
    ..custom['isPremium'] = false
    ..custom['nested'] = {'wire': 'dash'},
  child: MyApp(),


final FutureOr<CustomizableWiredashMetaData> Function(
  CustomizableWiredashMetaData metaData,
)? collectMetaData;