build static method

FillerConfig build({
  1. DrawConfig? drawConfig,
  2. double fillWeight = 1,
  3. double hachureAngle = 320,
  4. double hachureGap = 15,
  5. double dashOffset = 15,
  6. double dashGap = 2,
  7. double zigzagOffset = 5,
  • fillWeight When using dots styles to fill the shape, this value represents the diameter of the dot.
  • hachureAngle Numerical value (in degrees) that defines the angle of the hachure lines. Default value is -41 degrees.
  • hachureGap Numerical value that defines the average gap, in pixels, between two hachure lines. Default value is 15.
  • dashOffset When filling a shape using the DashedFiller, this property indicates the nominal length of dash (in pixels). If not set, it defaults to the hachureGap value.
  • dashGap When filling a shape using the DashedFiller, this property indicates the nominal gap between dashes (in pixels). If not set, it defaults to the hachureGap value.
  • zigzagOffset When filling a shape using the ZigZagLineFiller, this property indicates the nominal width of the zig-zag triangle in each line. If not set, it defaults to the hachureGap value.


static FillerConfig build({
  DrawConfig? drawConfig,
  double fillWeight = 1,
  double hachureAngle = 320,
  double hachureGap = 15,
  double dashOffset = 15,
  double dashGap = 2,
  double zigzagOffset = 5,
}) =>
      drawConfig: drawConfig ??,
      fillWeight: fillWeight,
      hachureAngle: hachureAngle,
      hachureGap: hachureGap,
      dashOffset: dashOffset,
      dashGap: dashGap,
      zigzagOffset: zigzagOffset,