WireListener<T> typedef

WireListener<T> = Future Function(T? payload, int wireId)

Wire - communication and data layers which consist of string keys, thus realization of String API when each component of the system - logical or visual - represented as a set of Strings - what it consumes is Data API and what it produces or reacts to is Signals API.

Wire is a kind of "pub/sub" library - communication layer or "bus" to which you can attach a wire and listen for signal associated with it. Wire has simplest possible API - add, remove and send. Also it has data layer, universal container with key-value, where value is an object WireData type that holds dynamic value and can be subscribed for updates. This "data container" is something like Redis.

Created by Vladimir Cores (Minkin) on 07/10/19. Github: https://github.com/vladimircores License: APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0


typedef WireListener<T> = Future<dynamic> Function(T? payload, int wireId);