winter library
- AbstractWinterRouter
- BaseFilter
T> - BuildContext
- Cascade
- A helper that calls several handlers in sequence and returns the first acceptable response.
T> - Annotation para obtener el tipo T de una lista y hacerle el parser
K, V> - Annotation para obtener el tipo T de un map y hacerle el parser
- ConstraintValidatorContext
- ConstrainViolation
- Class that represent a fail validation (Details and examples in docs)
- DefaultHttpStatusCode
- Default implementation of {@link HttpStatusCode}.
- DefaultOnInvalidUrl
- DefaultOnLoadedRoutes
- DeleteRoute
- DependencyInjection
- ExceptionHandler
- Filter
- FilterChain
- FilterConfig
- FormData
A Multipart subpart with a parsed name and filename values read from
header. - FromJsonParser
- Annotation para personalizar el parsea a un objeto a un json
- FunctionAsFilter
- GetRoute
- GlobalFilter
- Header
- HeadRoute
- HRoute
- HRouter
- HttpHeaders
- HttpMethod
- Injectable
- InjectableProcessor
- Injected
- JsonProperty
- LineScanner
- A subclass of StringScanner that tracks line and column information.
- LineScannerState
- A class representing the state of a LineScanner.
- LogsFilter
- MediaType
- Multipart
- An entry in a multipart request.
- MultiRouter
- NamingStrategies
- NotBlank
- NotEmpty
- NotNull
- ObjectMapper
- ObjectMapperImpl
- OptionsRoute
- PackageScanner
- ParentRoute
- PatchRoute
- PathParam
- NOTE: path-param dont support optional type
- Pipeline
- A helper that makes it easy to compose a set of Middleware and a Handler.
T> - wrapper around plain body to be able to use generic type
- PostRoute
- ProcessedComponent
- PropertyParser
- Annotation con ambas funciones from-json y to-json
- PutRoute
- QueryParam
- QueryRoute
- RateLimiter
- RateLimiterFilter
- RawComponent
- Request
- An HTTP request to be processed by a Shelf application.
- RequestEntity
- RequestRoute
- Response
- The response returned by a Handler.
- ResponseEntity
- Route
- RouterConfig
- ScanComponent
- Base annotation for top level annotations, if ANYTHING is not annotated with this, it's not processed All top level annotations SHOULD extends this if they wanna be processed
- Server
- An adapter with a concrete URL.
- ServerConfig
- ServerHandler
- A connected pair of a Server and a Handler.
- ServeRouter
- Example: ServeRouter((request) => ResponseEntity.ok(body: 'Hello world!!!')) This will handle all request and always return a 200:Hello world!!!
- SimpleExceptionHandler
- Size
- SpanScanner
A subclass of LineScanner that exposes matched ranges as source map
s. - StringScanner
- A class that scans through a string using Patterns.
- ToJsonParser
- Annotation para personalizar el parsea a un json de un objeto
- Valid
- ValidationService
- Default class to define the validation
- ValidationServiceImpl
- Winter
- WinterDeserializable
- WinterRouter
- WinterSerializer
- ComponentType
- HttpStatus
- ProcessedAs
- Series
- Enumeration of HTTP status series.
- HttpStatusCode
- Represents an HTTP response status code. Implemented by {@link HttpStatus}, but defined as an interface to allow for values not in that enumeration.
- Validatable
- mixin to implement in every class where the validation want to be done it by hand
- ValidMessage
Extension Types
- FormDataRequest
- A multipart request containing form data.
- MultipartRequest
- A multipart request.
- GloballyValidatable on Object
extension to make every object validatable
Just call:
- MiddlewareExtensions on Middleware
- Extensions on Middleware to aid in composing Middleware and Handlers.
- MultipartFromRequest on Request
- Extensions that call MultipartRequest.of and FormDataRequest.of as an extension on Request.
- addChunkedEncoding → Middleware
Middleware that adds
chunked transfer coding
to a responses if none of the following conditions are true:
- di → DependencyInjection
Dependency Injection: easy access to the current dependency injection instance
no setter
- eh → ExceptionHandler
Exception Handler: easy access to the current exception handler instance
no setter
- nonToken → RegExp
A character that is not a valid HTTP token.
- om → ObjectMapper
Dependency Injection: easy access to the current object mapper instance
no setter
- token → RegExp
An HTTP token.
- vs → ValidationService
Validation Service: easy access to the current validation service instance
no setter
- whitespace → RegExp
A regular expression matching any number of
productions in a
T> (String body, ObjectMapper om) → List< T> - internal parser/caster to list
T> (String body, ObjectMapper om) → Map< String, T> - internal parser/caster to map
{FutureOr< Response?> requestHandler(Request)?, FutureOr<Response> responseHandler(Response)?, FutureOr<Response> errorHandler(Object error, StackTrace)?}) → Middleware - Creates a Middleware using the provided functions.
Exception exception) → void -
dynamic request, dynamic requestId) → void -
RequestEntity request) → void -
ResponseEntity response) → void -
StringScanner scanner, {String name = 'quoted string'}) → String - Parses a double quoted string, and returns its contents.
String path) → bool -
T> (List list) → List< T> - funcion por defecto para hacer el parser de una List
{void logger(String message, bool isError)?}) → Middleware - Middleware which prints the time of the request, the elapsed time for the inner handlers, the response's status code and the request URI.
K, V> (Map map) → Map< K, V> - funcion por defecto para hacer el parser de una List
dynamic property, ConstraintValidatorContext cvc) → bool -
dynamic property, ConstraintValidatorContext cvc) → bool -
dynamic property, ConstraintValidatorContext cvc) → bool -
T> (StringScanner scanner, T parseElement()) → List< T> -
Parses a list of elements, as in
in the HTTP spec. -
T> (String body, ObjectMapper om) → PlainBodyWrapper< T> - internal parser/caster to plain Object (Wrapped to allow using generics)
List< ParamExtractor> positionalArgumentsFunctions, Map<Symbol, ParamExtractor> namedArgumentsFunctions, ParameterMirror singleParam, ObjectMapper om) → bool -
List< ParamExtractor> positionalArgumentsFunctions, Map<Symbol, ParamExtractor> namedArgumentsFunctions, ParameterMirror singleParam) → bool -
List< ParamExtractor> positionalArgumentsFunctions, Map<Symbol, ParamExtractor> namedArgumentsFunctions, ParameterMirror singleParam) → bool -
List< ParamExtractor> positionalArgumentsFunctions, Map<Symbol, ParamExtractor> namedArgumentsFunctions, ParameterMirror singleParam) → bool -
dynamic property, ConstraintValidatorContext cvc) → bool
= FutureOr<
ResponseEntity> Function(RequestEntity request, Exception error, StackTrace stackTrac) - ExceptionHandler
- FromJsonParserFunction = dynamic Function(dynamic property)
- Definicion de funcion para hacer el parseo de un json a un objeto
= FutureOr<
ResponseEntity> Function(RequestEntity request, FilterChain chain) -
= FutureOr<
Response> Function(Request request) - A function which handles a Request.
T> = List< T> Function(List property) - Definicion de funcion para hacer el casteo de: List
K, V> = Map< K, V> Function(Map property) - Definicion de funcion para hacer el casteo de: Map
- Middleware = Handler Function(Handler innerHandler)
- A function which creates a new Handler by wrapping a Handler.
- NamingStrategy = String Function(String value)
- OnInvalidUrl = void Function(Route failedRoute)
= void Function(List<
Route> allRoutes) - ParamExtractor = dynamic Function(RequestEntity request)
- Function used to extract a param, like the body or an header from a request
= FutureOr<
ResponseEntity> Function(RequestEntity request) - A function which handles a RequestEntity.
- ToJsonParserFunction = dynamic Function(dynamic property)
- Definicion de funcion para hacer el parseo de un objeto a un json
- ValidationFunction = bool Function(dynamic object, ConstraintValidatorContext cvc)
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiException
- Base exception
- BadRequestException
- exception for 400
- ConflictException
- exception for 409
- ForbiddenException
- exception for 401
- HijackException
- An exception used to indicate that a request has been hijacked.
- InternalServerErrorException
- exception for 500
- NotFoundException
- exception for 404
- PaymentRequiredException
- exception for 402
- ResponseException
- Special exception to break up any current flow and return this instead
- StringScannerException
- An exception thrown by a StringScanner that failed to parse a string.
- exception for 403
- UnprocessableEntityException
- Validation exception 422
- ValidationException