findTypeDef method

TypeDef? findTypeDef(
  1. String name, {
  2. PreferredArchitecture preferredArchitecture = PreferredArchitecture.x64,

Return the first typedef object matching the given name.

Returns null if no typedefs match the name.


TypeDef? findTypeDef(String name,
    {PreferredArchitecture preferredArchitecture =
        PreferredArchitecture.x64}) {
  final matchingTypeDefs = _typedefsByName[name];

  if (matchingTypeDefs == null) return null;
  if (matchingTypeDefs.length == 1) return matchingTypeDefs.first;

  // More than one typedef, so we find the one that matches the preferred
  // architecture.
  for (final typeDef in matchingTypeDefs) {
    final supportedArch = typeDef.supportedArchitectures;

    if (preferredArchitecture == PreferredArchitecture.x64 &&
        supportedArch.x64) return typeDef;
    if (preferredArchitecture == PreferredArchitecture.arm64 &&
        supportedArch.arm64) return typeDef;
    if (preferredArchitecture == PreferredArchitecture.x86 &&
        supportedArch.x86) return typeDef;

  return null;