Method class

A method.

Mixed in types


Method(Scope scope, int token, int _parentToken, String name, int _attributes, Uint8List signatureBlob, int relativeVirtualAddress, int implFlags)
Method.fromToken(Scope scope, int token)
Creates a method object from a provided token.


callingConvention String
Returns flags relating to the method calling convention.
no setter
customAttributes List<CustomAttribute>
Enumerate all attributes that this object has.
no setterinherited
genericParams List<GenericParam>
Returns a list of generic parameters on this object.
no setterinherited
hasGenericParameters bool
Returns true if the method contains generic parameters.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
implFeatures MethodImplementationFeatures
Implementation features for the method.
no setter
implFlags int
getter/setter pair
isAbstract bool
Returns true if the method is not implemented.
no setter
isCheckAccessOnOverride bool
Returns true if the method can be overridden by the same types to which it is visible.
no setter
isFinal bool
Returns true if the method cannot be overridden.
no setter
isGetProperty bool
Returns true if the method is a property getter
no setter
isGlobal bool
Returns true if the token is marked as global.
no setterinherited
isHideBySig bool
Returns true if the method hides by name and signature, rather than just by name.
no setter
isPinvokeImpl bool
Returns true if the method implementation is forwarded using PInvoke.
no setter
isProperty bool
Returns true if the method is a property getter or setter.
no setter
isResolvedToken bool
Returns true if the token maps to an entry in the WinMD database.
no setterinherited
isRTSpecialName bool
Returns true if the common language runtime should check the encoding of the method name.
no setter
isSetProperty bool
Returns true if the method is a property setter
no setter
isSpecialName bool
Returns true if the method is special; its name describes how.
no setter
isStatic bool
Returns true if the member is defined as part of the type rather than as a member of an instance.
no setter
isUnmanagedExport bool
Returns true if the method is a managed method exported to unmanaged code.
no setter
isVirtual bool
Returns true if the method can be overridden.
no setter
memberAccess MemberAccess
Returns information about the method's visibility / accessibility to other types.
no setter
module ModuleRef
Returns the module that contains the method.
no setter
name String
getter/setter pair
parameters List<Parameter>
getter/setter pair
parent TypeDef
The method's parent type.
no setter
pinvokeMap PinvokeMap
Returns the P/Invoke mapping representation for this object.
no setter
reader → IMetaDataImport2
no setterinherited
relativeVirtualAddress int
getter/setter pair
returnType Parameter
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scope Scope
The Scope that contains this token.
signatureBlob Uint8List
getter/setter pair
supportedArchitectures Architecture
Get platform architectures on which this type is supported.
no setterinherited
token int
A unique identifier for this token in the metadata file.
tokenType TokenType
no setterinherited
vTableLayout VtableLayout
Returns information about the vtable layout of this method.
no setter


attributeAsString(String attrName) String
Retrieve the string associated with a specific attribute name.
existsAttribute(String attrName) bool
Tests whether this object has an attribute matching the given name.
findAttribute(String attrName) CustomAttribute?
Returns the first attribute matching the given attribute name.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.