NotificationMessage.fromCustomTemplate constructor

  1. String id, {
  2. Map<String, dynamic> payload = const {},
  3. String? launch,
  4. String? group,

crete NotificationMessage object when you want to send notificaation with your own template


  /// Gets or sets the unique identifier of this notification within the notification Group., {
  this.payload = const {},

  /// A string that is passed to the application when it is activated by the toast. The format and contents of this string are defined by the app for its own use. When the user taps or clicks the toast to launch its associated app, the launch string provides the context to the app that allows it to show the user a view relevant to the toast content, rather than launching in its default way.

  /// Gets or sets the group identifier for the notification.,
})  : temolateType = TemplateType.custom,
      title = null,
      image = null,
      largeImage = null,
      body = null {
  assert(id.trim().isNotEmpty, "id must not be empty string");
  assert(group == null || group!.trim().isNotEmpty,
      "group must not be empty string");