setIcon method

void setIcon(
  1. String iconPath, {
  2. bool small = true,
  3. bool big = true,
  4. bool cached = true,
  5. bool force = false,

Sets this Window icon from iconPath.

  • If small is true, sets a 16x16 icon.
  • If big is true, sets a 48x48 or 32x32 icon.
  • If cached is true will load the icons using loadIconCached, otherwise will call loadIcon.
  • If force is true will always call sendMessage, even if the icon was already set to the same icon handler.


void setIcon(String iconPath,
    {bool small = true,
    bool big = true,
    bool cached = true,
    bool force = false}) {
  var loader = cached ? Window.loadIconCached : Window.loadIcon;

  if (small) {
    var hIcon = loader(iconPath, 16, 16);
    if (hIcon == 0) {
      hIcon = loader(iconPath, 32, 32);

    if (force || _iconSmall != hIcon) {
      sendMessage(WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL2, hIcon);
      _iconSmall = hIcon;

  if (big) {
    var hIcon = loader(iconPath, 48, 48);
    if (hIcon == 0) {
      hIcon = loader(iconPath, 32, 32);

    if (force || _iconBig != hIcon) {
      sendMessage(WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, hIcon);
      _iconBig = hIcon;