select function winsock

int select(
  1. int nfds,
  2. Pointer<FD_SET> readfds,
  3. Pointer<FD_SET> writefds,
  4. Pointer<FD_SET> exceptfds,
  5. Pointer<TIMEVAL> timeout,

The select function determines the status of one or more sockets, waiting if necessary, to perform synchronous I/O.

int select(
  int           nfds,
  fd_set        *readfds,
  fd_set        *writefds,
  fd_set        *exceptfds,
  const timeval *timeout


int select(int nfds, Pointer<FD_SET> readfds, Pointer<FD_SET> writefds,
        Pointer<FD_SET> exceptfds, Pointer<TIMEVAL> timeout) =>
    _select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout);