WlanGetNetworkBssList function wlanapi

int WlanGetNetworkBssList(
  1. int hClientHandle,
  2. Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid,
  3. Pointer<DOT11_SSID> pDot11Ssid,
  4. int dot11BssType,
  5. int bSecurityEnabled,
  6. Pointer<NativeType> pReserved,
  7. Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_BSS_LIST>> ppWlanBssList,

The WlanGetNetworkBssList function retrieves a list of the basic service set (BSS) entries of the wireless network or networks on a given wireless LAN interface.

DWORD WlanGetNetworkBssList(
  HANDLE            hClientHandle,
  const GUID        *pInterfaceGuid,
  const PDOT11_SSID pDot11Ssid,
  DOT11_BSS_TYPE    dot11BssType,
  BOOL              bSecurityEnabled,
  PVOID             pReserved,
  PWLAN_BSS_LIST    *ppWlanBssList


int WlanGetNetworkBssList(
        int hClientHandle,
        Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid,
        Pointer<DOT11_SSID> pDot11Ssid,
        int dot11BssType,
        int bSecurityEnabled,
        Pointer pReserved,
        Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_BSS_LIST>> ppWlanBssList) =>
    _WlanGetNetworkBssList(hClientHandle, pInterfaceGuid, pDot11Ssid,
        dot11BssType, bSecurityEnabled, pReserved, ppWlanBssList);