BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts function kernel32

int BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts(
  1. Pointer<Utf16> lpDef,
  2. Pointer<DCB> lpDCB,
  3. Pointer<COMMTIMEOUTS> lpCommTimeouts

Translates a device-definition string into appropriate device-control block codes and places them into a device control block. The function can also set up time-out values, including the possibility of no time-outs, for a device; the function's behavior in this regard depends on the contents of the device-definition string.

BOOL BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW(
  LPCWSTR        lpDef,
  LPDCB          lpDCB,


int BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts(Pointer<Utf16> lpDef, Pointer<DCB> lpDCB,
        Pointer<COMMTIMEOUTS> lpCommTimeouts) =>
    _BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts(lpDef, lpDCB, lpCommTimeouts);