mciSendString function winmm

int mciSendString(
  1. Pointer<Utf16> lpstrCommand,
  2. Pointer<Utf16> lpstrReturnString,
  3. int uReturnLength,
  4. int hwndCallback,

The mciSendString function sends a command string to an MCI device. The device that the command is sent to is specified in the command string.

MCIERROR mciSendStringW(
  LPCTSTR lpszCommand,
  LPTSTR  lpszReturnString,
  UINT    cchReturn,
  HANDLE  hwndCallback


int mciSendString(Pointer<Utf16> lpstrCommand, Pointer<Utf16> lpstrReturnString,
        int uReturnLength, int hwndCallback) =>
        lpstrCommand, lpstrReturnString, uReturnLength, hwndCallback);