WlanSetProfile function wlanapi

int WlanSetProfile(
  1. int hClientHandle,
  2. Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid,
  3. int dwFlags,
  4. Pointer<Utf16> strProfileXml,
  5. Pointer<Utf16> strAllUserProfileSecurity,
  6. int bOverwrite,
  7. Pointer<NativeType> pReserved,
  8. Pointer<Uint32> pdwReasonCode,

The WlanSetProfile function sets the content of a specific profile.

DWORD WlanSetProfile(
  HANDLE     hClientHandle,
  const GUID *pInterfaceGuid,
  DWORD      dwFlags,
  LPCWSTR    strProfileXml,
  LPCWSTR    strAllUserProfileSecurity,
  BOOL       bOverwrite,
  PVOID      pReserved,
  DWORD      *pdwReasonCode


int WlanSetProfile(
        int hClientHandle,
        Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid,
        int dwFlags,
        Pointer<Utf16> strProfileXml,
        Pointer<Utf16> strAllUserProfileSecurity,
        int bOverwrite,
        Pointer pReserved,
        Pointer<Uint32> pdwReasonCode) =>
    _WlanSetProfile(hClientHandle, pInterfaceGuid, dwFlags, strProfileXml,
        strAllUserProfileSecurity, bOverwrite, pReserved, pdwReasonCode);