setDialogItem method

int setDialogItem({
  1. required int style,
  2. int dwExtendedStyle = 0,
  3. required int x,
  4. required int y,
  5. required int cx,
  6. required int cy,
  7. required int id,
  8. int windowSystemClass = 0,
  9. String windowClass = '',
  10. String text = '',
  11. List<int> creationDataBytes = const [],

Sets the memory at the pointer location to the dialog item supplied.

Returns the number of WORDs written.


int setDialogItem({
  required int style,
  int dwExtendedStyle = 0,
  required int x,
  required int y,
  required int cx,
  required int cy,
  required int id,
  int windowSystemClass = 0,
  String windowClass = '',
  String text = '',
  List<int> creationDataBytes = const [],
}) {
  /// Size in 16-bit WORDs of the DLGITEMTEMPLATE struct
  const dlgItemTemplateSize = 9;

  final ptr = cast<Uint16>();
  var idx = 0; // 16-bit index offset

  /// Specifies the properties of the DLGITEMTEMPLATE structure.
  ptr.cast<DLGITEMTEMPLATE>().ref = style
    ..dwExtendedStyle = dwExtendedStyle
    ..x = x
    ..y = y = cx = cy = id;
  idx += dlgItemTemplateSize;

  /// Immediately following each DLGITEMTEMPLATE structure is a class array
  /// that specifies the window class of the control. If the first element of
  /// this array is any value other than 0xFFFF, the system treats the array
  /// as a null-terminated Unicode string that specifies the name of a
  /// registered window class. If the first element is 0xFFFF, the array has
  /// one additional element that specifies the ordinal value of a predefined
  /// system class.
  /// The ordinal can be one of the following atom values: 0x0080: Button
  ///   0x0081: Edit 0x0082: Static 0x0083: List box 0x0084: Scroll bar
  ///   0x0085: Combo box
  if (windowClass.isNotEmpty) {
    idx +=
        (ptr.elementAt(idx).cast<Utf16>().setString(windowClass) / 2).ceil();
  } else {
    ptr[idx++] = 0xFFFF;
    ptr[idx++] = windowSystemClass;

  // Following the class array is a title array that contains the initial text
  // or resource identifier of the control.
  idx += (ptr.elementAt(idx).cast<Utf16>().setString(text) / 2).ceil();

  // The creation data array begins at the next WORD boundary after the title
  // array. This creation data can be of any size and format. If the first
  // word of the creation data array is nonzero, it indicates the size, in
  // bytes, of the creation data (including the size word).
  if (creationDataBytes.isNotEmpty) {
    ptr[idx++] = creationDataBytes.length + 1;
      ..asTypedList(creationDataBytes.length).setAll(0, creationDataBytes);
    idx += (creationDataBytes.length / 2).ceil();
  } else {
    ptr[idx++] = 0x0000;

  // Move idx forward so that it aligns to the next DWORD boundary
  if ((ptr.address + idx) % 2 != 0) {
    ptr[idx++] = 0x0000;
  return idx;