CreateStreamOnHGlobal function ole32

int CreateStreamOnHGlobal(
  1. int hGlobal,
  2. int fDeleteOnRelease,
  3. Pointer<Pointer<COMObject>> ppstm

The CreateStreamOnHGlobal function creates a stream object that uses an HGLOBAL memory handle to store the stream contents. This object is the OLE-provided implementation of the IStream interface.

HRESULT CreateStreamOnHGlobal(
  [in]  HGLOBAL  hGlobal,
  [in]  BOOL     fDeleteOnRelease,
  [out] LPSTREAM *ppstm


int CreateStreamOnHGlobal(
        int hGlobal, int fDeleteOnRelease, Pointer<Pointer<COMObject>> ppstm) =>
    _CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hGlobal, fDeleteOnRelease, ppstm);