wildnessWidgetWrapper function

WidgetWrapper wildnessWidgetWrapper({
  1. Iterable<LocalizationsDelegate>? localizationsDelegates,
  2. Iterable<Locale>? supportedLocales,
  3. WildnessProperties? config,
  4. TextStyle? defaultTextStyle,
  5. Color? primaryColor = const Color.fromARGB(255, 3, 85, 3),

This wildnessAppWrapper is a convenience function to wrap your widget in wildnessApp Wraps your widget in MaterialApp, inject custom theme, localizations, override surfaceSize and platform

localizationsDelegates is list of LocalizationsDelegate that is required for this test

supportedLocales will set supported supportedLocales, defaults to Locale('en')


WidgetWrapper wildnessWidgetWrapper({
  Iterable<LocalizationsDelegate<dynamic>>? localizationsDelegates,
  Iterable<Locale>? supportedLocales,
  WildnessProperties? config,
  TextStyle? defaultTextStyle,
  Color? primaryColor = const Color.fromARGB(255, 3, 85, 3),
}) {
  return (child) => wildnessApp(
        child: child,
        config: config,
        supportedLocales: supportedLocales,
        localizationsDelegates: localizationsDelegates,
        defaultTextStyle: defaultTextStyle,
        primaryColor: primaryColor,