getClientList static method

  1. @Deprecated("This is will only work with < Android SDK 26.")
Future<List<APClient>> getClientList(
  1. bool onlyReachables,
  2. int reachableTimeout

Get WiFi AP clients


@Deprecated("This is will only work with < Android SDK 26.")
static Future<List<APClient>> getClientList(
    bool onlyReachables, int reachableTimeout) async {
  final Map<String, Object> htArguments = Map();
  htArguments["onlyReachables"] = onlyReachables;
  htArguments["reachableTimeout"] = reachableTimeout;
  String? sResult;
  List<APClient> htResult = <APClient>[];
  try {
    sResult = await _channel.invokeMethod('getClientList', htArguments);
    htResult = APClient.parse(sResult!);
  } on MissingPluginException catch (e) {
    print("MissingPluginException : ${e.toString()}");
  return htResult;