navigation library
- Anchor
- An area that responds to touch. Has a configurable shape and can be configured to clip overlay that extend outside its bounds or not.
- AnchorEvent
- Interactive events that Anchor can take on when receiving input from the user.
- AnchorEventController
- Manages a set of AnchorEvents and notifies listeners of changes.
- AnchorStyle
- The style to be applied to anchor widget
- AnchorTheme
- A Widget that controls how descendant Anchors should look like.
- AnchorThemeData
- Defines the visual properties of Anchor.
- AnchorThemeDefaults
- DrivenAnchorStyle
- Create a AnchorStyle that can handle widget event.
- Menu
- MenuItem
- MenuLeaf
- MenuNest
- AnchorEvents = WidgetEvents
- Set of WidgetEvent