Edit Address topic

Edit Address Dialog

Edit Address package is useful when we need to edit an address, which appears in a bottom dialog, or show a message for a permanent address, which is not editable and also appears in a bottom dialog. There are a lot of possible customizations such as passing a translation error function for the errors thrown from the validation of the city and address text input values. There is a localization file in English, with default values for each string used in the library, which can be overriden. The library provides a theme with default spacings, text styles, colors, EdgeInsets and icons, which can be overriden. There is a default service class, which provides default implementation for some of its methods. For example, for validation of the city and street input values and for filtering countries by name there is a default implementation. For the other methods, for example for fetching the list of countries and for saving the address, a custom implementation should be provided. Each of the bottom sheets can have custom configuration. From more information check the complete example in the documentation.


Within the edit_address package you can create a EditAddressWidget widget in order to show an edit address dialog.


The EditAddressWidget is a widget for displaying an edit address modal sheet with some pre-configured options.

translateError provide a function which maps the city and street validation errors from the service service to the appropriate RxFieldException

How to override the icons in the library

Here is an example how to override the icons in the library for the light theme. You should use the copyWith() method and create a new SvgFile, which receives the path to the svg file, that you want to use, to override the specific icon.

extensions: [
  // Here you provide the new icon for the icon in EditAddressWidget
  EditAddressTheme.light.copyWith(editPenIcon: const SvgFile('assets/new-edit-pen.svg')),
  // Here you provide the new icon for the city and street text fields
    .copyWith(editPenIcon: const SvgFile('assets/new-edit-pen.svg'),
  // Here you provide the new icon for the country search picker
  arrowRightSquareIcon: const SvgFile('assets/new-forward.svg')),

To load your local svg files in the project, you should add the path to them in your pubspec.yaml

    - assets/


The EditAddressLocalizedStrings is a class, which provides values to all labels used in the package. If you do not extend it and do not provide your values for the getters, the default values in English will be used. The value are provided for the country, city and address widgets. Here are the default string getters, which the class provides.

saveButtonText is the text displayed inside the button at the bottom of the edit address page. headerTitle is the text displayed at the top of the edit address page and at the top of the permanent address page. permanentAddressContentMessage is the text message displayed inside the permanent address page. countrySearchPickerTitle is the text at the top of the country search picker page. countrySearchPickerHintText is the text in the country search page, text input field. countrySearchPickerRetryText is a text displayed in retry button, which is displayed, when there is an exception on the country search page. countryLabelText the label text for the country widget. cityButtonText is text in the button inside the edit city page. cityLabelText is the label text of the city widget. cityEmptyLabel is a value displayed if there is a null value provided for the city name. addressButtonText is a text inside button in the page with the address edit input field. addressLabelText is a label text displayed on the address widget. addressEmptyLabel is value displayed if there is a null value provided for the address name. addressChangedMessage is a message displayed, when an address is changed successfully.

How to use

In order to start using this package you need to add the dependency to the widget_toolkit in your pubspec.yaml file.

widget_toolkit: any

After that you can import the package with the following line:

import 'package:widget_toolkit/edit_address.dart';

Additional step is the requirement to add the EditAddressTheme as an extension to your ThemeData.

as an example:

extensions: [
    darkMode ? WidgetToolkitTheme.dark : WidgetToolkitTheme.light,
    darkMode ? EditAddressTheme.dark : EditAddressTheme.light,

Minimal configuration example of EditAddressWidget:

  translateError: (obj) => EditAddressErrorMapperUtil<String>()
      .translateError(obj, context),
  editAddressService: CustomEditAddressService<CountryModel>(),

Complete configuration example of EditAddressWidget:

  translateError: (obj) => EditAddressErrorMapperUtil<String>()
      .translateError(obj, context),
  editAddressService: CustomEditAddressService<CountryModel>(
    searchRepository: SearchCountryRepository(),
  onSaved: (addressModel) =>
      print('Address model saved: $addressModel'),
  onChanged: (addressModel) =>
      print('Address model changed: $addressModel'),
  addressModel: const AddressModel(
    addressType: AddressTypeModel.correspondence,
    city: 'Plovd',
    streetAddress: 'str1',
    country: CountryModel.withDefaults(),
  editAddressLocalizedStrings: EditAddressLocalization(context),
  type: UserProfileCardTypes.mailingAddress,
  editAddressConfiguration: const EditAddressConfiguration(
      safeAreaBottom: true,
      contentAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
      additionalBottomPadding: 10,
      fullScreen: false,
      haveOnlyOneSheet: false,
      showHeaderPill: true,
      showCloseButton: true,
      heightFactor: 0.6,
      dialogHasBottomPadding: true,
      isDismissible: true),
  editContactAddressErrorBuilder: (errorMode) => _buildCustomErrorBuilder(errorMode),
  searchCountryCustomBuilders: SearchCountryCustomBuilders<CountryModel>(
    showEmptyWidgetWhenNoResultsAreFound: true,
    itemBuilder: (context, model, isSelected, isLoading) => 
      _buildCustomItemBuilder(context, model, isSelected, isLoading),
    errorBuilder: (exception) => _buildCustomCountryErrorBuilder(exception),
    emptyBuilder: () => _buildCustomEmptyBuilder(),
    separatorBuilder: (index) => _buildCustomSeparatorBuilder(index),
  textFieldsModalConfiguration: const TextFieldModalConfiguration(
    safeAreaBottom: false,
    contentAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
    additionalBottomPadding: 10,
    fullScreen: false,
    haveOnlyOneSheet: true,
    showHeaderPill: true,
    showCloseButton: true,
    heightFactor: 0.6,
    dialogHasBottomPadding: true,
    isDismissible: true,
      const SearchPickerModalConfiguration(
    safeAreaBottom: false,
    contentAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
    additionalBottomPadding: 10,
    fullScreen: false,
    haveOnlyOneSheet: true,
    showHeaderPill: true,
    showCloseButton: true,
    heightFactor: 0.6,
    dialogHasBottomPadding: true,
    isDismissible: true,