reverseGeocoding method

Future<String> reverseGeocoding({
  1. required double latitude,
  2. required double longitude,
  3. int flags = 1255211008,

Rever geocoding, returns name of the location that corresponds to the latitude and longitude given


Future<String> reverseGeocoding({
  /// [latitude] is the latitude of the location, in decimal degrees
  required double latitude,

  /// [longitude] is the longitude of the location, in decimal degrees
  required double longitude,

  /// [flags] is the flags of the request, by default it is 1255211008
  /// For more information about the flags, refer to
  int flags = 1255211008,
}) async {
  final Map<String, double> coordinates = {'lon': longitude, 'lat': latitude};

  Uri parsedHost = Uri.parse(host);

  Uri url = Uri.parse(

  try {
    final response = await;
    final result = jsonDecode(response.body);

    if (result is Map) {
      throw WialonError(code: result['error']);
    if (result.isEmpty) {
      return 'N/A';
    return result.first;
  } catch (e) {
    throw SdkException(message: "Internal error: $e");