call method

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> call({
  1. required String method,
  2. required dynamic parameters,

Make a call to the Wialon API


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> call({
  /// [method] is the svc method declarated in the Wialon SDK documentation
  required String method,

  /// [parameters] is the parameters of the method, should be a Map or a List
  /// Refer to the documentation of the desired method to know the parameters
  required dynamic parameters,
}) async {
  dynamic arguments = {};

  if (parameters is List) {
    arguments = [...parameters];
  } else {

  Map<String, dynamic> payload = {
    'svc': method,
    'params': jsonEncode(arguments),
    'sid': sessionId ?? "",

  if (debug) {
    log('Method Call: ${payload["svc"]}');
    log('Pararams: ${payload["params"]}');
    log('SessionId: ${payload["sid"]}');

  try {
    http.Response response = await
      body: payload,
    return Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(response.body));
  } catch (e) {
    throw SdkException(message: "Internal error: $e");