shareFile static method

Future<bool?> shareFile({
  1. required List<String> filePath,
  2. required String phone,
  3. String? text,
  4. Package package = Package.whatsapp,

Shares a local file with whatsapp.

  • Text: Is the text of the message.
  • FilePath: Is the List of paths which can be prefilled.
  • Phone: is the phone contact number to share with.


static Future<bool?> shareFile({
  required List<String> filePath,
  required String phone,
  String? text,
  Package package = Package.whatsapp,
}) async {
  if (filePath.isEmpty) {
    throw FlutterError('FilePath cannot be null');
  } else if (phone.isEmpty) {
    throw FlutterError('Phone cannot be null and with country code');

  String _package = package.index == 0 ? "com.whatsapp" : "com.whatsapp.w4b";

  final bool? success =
      await _channel.invokeMethod('shareFile', <String, dynamic>{
    'title': ' ',
    'text': text,
    'filePath': filePath,
    'chooserTitle': ' ',
    'phone': phone,
    'package': _package,

  return success;