WOILineGraph constructor

const WOILineGraph({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required double height,
  3. required double width,
  4. required List<LineProperties> yaxisValues,
  5. required List xaxisValues,
  6. double yaxisTextBoxWidth = 40,
  7. Color backgroundColor = Colors.white,
  8. double xaxisSeparatorLength = 3,
  9. double xaxisAndTextGap = 30,
  10. double topSpacing = 10,
  11. double bottomSpacing = 0,
  12. double leftSpacing = 0,
  13. Color incrementLineColor = Colors.red,
  14. bool dottedYaxis = false,
  15. Text? heading,
  16. Text? xaxisLabel,
  17. Text? yaxisLabel,

The WOILineGraph essentially requires four variables i.e height, width, xaxisValues, yaxisValues. Number of entries should be equal in the xaxisValues and the yaxisValues list.


const WOILineGraph({
  required this.height,
  required this.width,
  required this.yaxisValues,
  required this.xaxisValues,
  this.yaxisTextBoxWidth = 40,
  this.backgroundColor = Colors.white,
  this.xaxisSeparatorLength = 3,
  this.xaxisAndTextGap = 30,
  this.topSpacing = 10,
  this.bottomSpacing = 0,
  this.leftSpacing = 0,
  this.incrementLineColor = Colors.red,
  this.dottedYaxis = false,