LineProperties constructor

  1. required List<double> values,
  2. double lineWidth = 1,
  3. Color lineColor =,
  4. Color fillColor = Colors.lightBlue,
  5. Color dataPointColor = Colors.purple,
  6. bool filledGraph = false,
  7. bool showDataPoints = true,
  8. double dataPointSize = 2,


  /// yaxis values for the line
  required this.values,

  /// Width of the data line
  this.lineWidth = 1,

  /// Color of the line
  this.lineColor =,

  /// Fill color of the area under the line
  this.fillColor = Colors.lightBlue,

  /// Color of the the data point circle
  this.dataPointColor = Colors.purple,

  /// Boolean too set if area under the data line should be filled or not
  this.filledGraph = false,

  /// Boolean to set if data point circle should be displayed or not
  this.showDataPoints = true,

  /// Size of the circular data points.
  this.dataPointSize = 2,