assetsGridItemCount method

  1. @override
int assetsGridItemCount(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. List<AssetEntity> currentAssets

The function which return items count for the assets' grid. 为资源列表提供内容数量计算的方法


int assetsGridItemCount(
  BuildContext context,
  List<AssetEntity> currentAssets,
) {
  final AssetPathEntity? currentPathEntity =<DefaultAssetPickerProvider, AssetPathEntity?>(
    (DefaultAssetPickerProvider p) => p.currentPathEntity,

  if (currentPathEntity == null &&
      specialItemPosition != SpecialItemPosition.none) {
    return 1;

  /// Return actual length if current path is all.
  /// 如果当前目录是全部内容,则返回实际的内容数量。
  final int _length = currentAssets.length;
  if (!currentPathEntity!.isAll) {
    return _length;
  switch (specialItemPosition) {
    case SpecialItemPosition.none:
      return _length;
    case SpecialItemPosition.prepend:
    case SpecialItemPosition.append:
      return _length + 1;