WindowsPlatformWebViewController class

  • Object
  • PlatformInterface
  • WindowsPlatformWebViewController


WindowsPlatformWebViewController(PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams params)


controller WinWebViewController
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
params → PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams
The parameters used to initialize the PlatformWebViewController.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addJavaScriptChannel(JavaScriptChannelParams javaScriptChannelParams) Future<void>
Adds a new JavaScript channel to the set of enabled channels.
canGoBack() Future<bool>
Checks whether there's a back history item.
canGoForward() Future<bool>
Checks whether there's a forward history item.
clearCache() Future<void>
Clears all caches used by the WebView.
clearLocalStorage() Future<void>
Clears the local storage used by the WebView.
currentUrl() Future<String?>
Accessor to the current URL that the WebView is displaying.
enableZoom(bool enabled) Future<void>
Whether to support zooming using its on-screen zoom controls and gestures.
getScrollPosition() Future<Offset>
Return the current scroll position of this view.
getTitle() Future<String?>
Returns the title of the currently loaded page.
getUserAgent() Future<String?>
Gets the value used for the HTTP User-Agent: request header.
goBack() Future<void>
Goes back in the history of this WebView.
goForward() Future<void>
Goes forward in the history of this WebView.
loadFile(String absoluteFilePath) Future<void>
Loads the file located on the specified absoluteFilePath.
loadFlutterAsset(String key) Future<void>
Loads the Flutter asset specified in the pubspec.yaml file.
loadHtmlString(String html, {String? baseUrl}) Future<void>
Loads the supplied HTML string.
loadRequest(LoadRequestParams params) Future<void>
Makes a specific HTTP request ands loads the response in the webview.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openDevTools() Future<void>
reload() Future<void>
Reloads the current URL.
removeJavaScriptChannel(String javaScriptChannelName) Future<void>
Removes the JavaScript channel with the matching name from the set of enabled channels.
runJavaScript(String javaScript) Future<void>
Runs the given JavaScript in the context of the current page.
runJavaScriptReturningResult(String javaScript) Future<Object>
Runs the given JavaScript in the context of the current page, and returns the result.
scrollBy(int x, int y) Future<void>
Move the scrolled position of this view.
scrollTo(int x, int y) Future<void>
Set the scrolled position of this view.
setBackgroundColor(Color color) Future<void>
Set the current background color of this view.
setJavaScriptMode(JavaScriptMode javaScriptMode) Future<void>
Sets the JavaScript execution mode to be used by the webview.
setOnConsoleMessage(void onConsoleMessage(JavaScriptConsoleMessage consoleMessage)) Future<void>
Sets a callback that notifies the host application of any console messages written to the JavaScript console.
setOnJavaScriptAlertDialog(Future<void> onJavaScriptAlertDialog(JavaScriptAlertDialogRequest request)) Future<void>
Sets a callback that notifies the host application that the web page wants to display a JavaScript alert() dialog.
setOnJavaScriptConfirmDialog(Future<bool> onJavaScriptConfirmDialog(JavaScriptConfirmDialogRequest request)) Future<void>
Sets a callback that notifies the host application that the web page wants to display a JavaScript confirm() dialog.
setOnJavaScriptTextInputDialog(Future<String> onJavaScriptTextInputDialog(JavaScriptTextInputDialogRequest request)) Future<void>
Sets a callback that notifies the host application that the web page wants to display a JavaScript prompt() dialog.
setOnPlatformPermissionRequest(void onPermissionRequest(PlatformWebViewPermissionRequest request)) Future<void>
Sets a callback that notifies the host application that web content is requesting permission to access the specified resources.
setOnScrollPositionChange(void onScrollPositionChange(ScrollPositionChange scrollPositionChange)?) Future<void>
Sets the listener for content offset changes.
setPlatformNavigationDelegate(PlatformNavigationDelegate handler) Future<void>
Sets the PlatformNavigationDelegate containing the callback methods that are called during navigation events.
setUserAgent(String? userAgent) Future<void>
Sets the value used for the HTTP User-Agent: request header.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.