requestLoading method

  1. @override
void requestLoading(
  1. WebView webView,
  2. WebResourceRequest request

When a URL is about to be loaded in the current WebView.

If a WebViewClient is not provided, by default WebView will ask Activity Manager to choose the proper handler for the URL. If a WebViewClient is provided, setting shouldOverrideUrlLoading to true causes the current WebView to abort loading the URL, while returning false causes the WebView to continue loading the URL as usual.


void requestLoading(
  android_webview.WebView webView,
  android_webview.WebResourceRequest request,
) {
  if (!handlesNavigation) {

  final FutureOr<bool> returnValue = onNavigationRequestCallback!(
    url: request.url,
    isForMainFrame: request.isForMainFrame,

  if (returnValue is bool && returnValue) {
    loadUrl!(request.url, <String, String>{});
  } else {
    (returnValue as Future<bool>).then((bool shouldLoadUrl) {
      if (shouldLoadUrl) {
        loadUrl!(request.url, <String, String>{});