WebMessagePort constructor

  1. required int index,

The representation of the HTML5 message ports.

A Message port represents one endpoint of a Message Channel. In Android webview, there is no separate Message Channel object. When a message channel is created, both ports are tangled to each other and started. See InAppWebViewController.createWebMessageChannel for creating a message channel.

When a message port is first created or received via transfer, it does not have a WebMessageCallback to receive web messages. On Android, the messages are queued until a WebMessageCallback is set.

A message port should be closed when it is not used by the embedder application anymore. A closed port cannot be transferred or cannot be reopened to send messages. Close can be called multiple times.

When a port is transferred to JavaScript, it cannot be used to send or receive messages at the Dart side anymore. Different from HTML5 Spec, a port cannot be transferred if one of these has ever happened: i. a message callback was set, ii. a message was posted on it. A transferred port cannot be closed by the application, since the ownership is also transferred.

It is possible to transfer both ports of a channel to JavaScript, for example for communication between subframes.


WebMessagePort({required int index})
    : this.fromPlatformCreationParams(
          params: PlatformWebMessagePortCreationParams(index: index));