create static method

Future<WebAuthenticationSession> create({
  1. required WebUri url,
  2. String? callbackURLScheme,
  3. WebAuthenticationSessionCompletionHandler? onComplete,
  4. WebAuthenticationSessionSettings? initialSettings,

Used to create and initialize a session.

url represents a URL with the http or https scheme pointing to the authentication webpage.

callbackURLScheme represents the custom URL scheme that the app expects in the callback URL.

onComplete represents a completion handler the session calls when it completes successfully, or when the user cancels the session.

initialSettings represents initial settings.


static Future<WebAuthenticationSession> create(
    {required WebUri url,
    String? callbackURLScheme,
    WebAuthenticationSessionCompletionHandler onComplete,
    WebAuthenticationSessionSettings? initialSettings}) async {
  return WebAuthenticationSession.fromPlatform(
      platform: await PlatformWebAuthenticationSession.static().create(
          url: url,
          callbackURLScheme: callbackURLScheme,
          onComplete: onComplete,
          initialSettings: initialSettings));