Event fired when the host application should close the given WebView and remove it from the view system if necessary.
At this point, WebCore has stopped any loading in this window and has removed any cross-scripting ability in javascript.
Event fired when the PlatformInAppBrowser webview requests the host application to create a new window,
for example when trying to open a link with target="_blank" or when window.open() is called by JavaScript side.
If the host application chooses to honor this request, it should return true from this method, create a new WebView to host the window.
If the host application chooses not to honor the request, it should return false from this method.
The default implementation of this method does nothing and hence returns false.
Notify the host application that a request for Geolocation permissions, made with a previous call to onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt has been canceled.
Any related UI should therefore be hidden.
Event that notifies the host application that web content from the specified origin is attempting to use the Geolocation API, but no permission state is currently set for that origin.
Note that for applications targeting Android N and later SDKs (API level > Build.VERSION_CODES.M) this method is only called for requests originating from secure origins such as https.
On non-secure origins geolocation requests are automatically denied.
Event fired when javascript calls the alert() method to display an alert dialog.
If JsAlertResponse.handledByClient is true, the webview will assume that the client will handle the dialog.
Event fired when javascript calls the confirm() method to display a confirm dialog.
If JsConfirmResponse.handledByClient is true, the webview will assume that the client will handle the dialog.
Event fired when javascript calls the prompt() method to display a prompt dialog.
If JsPromptResponse.handledByClient is true, the webview will assume that the client will handle the dialog.
Event fired when the PlatformInAppBrowser webview finds the custom-scheme while loading a resource.
Here you can handle the url request and return a CustomSchemeResponse to load a specific resource encoded to base64.
Event fired when window.print() is called from JavaScript side.
Return true if you want to handle the print job.
Otherwise return false, so the PlatformPrintJobController will be handled and disposed automatically by the system.
Notify the host application to handle an SSL client certificate request.
Webview stores the response in memory (for the life of the application) if ClientCertResponseAction.PROCEED or ClientCertResponseAction.CANCEL
is called and does not call onReceivedClientCertRequest again for the same host and port pair.
Note that, multiple layers in chromium network stack might be caching the responses.
Event fired when the given WebView's render process has exited.
The application's implementation of this callback should only attempt to clean up the WebView.
The WebView should be removed from the view hierarchy, all references to it should be cleaned up.
Event called when the renderer currently associated with the WebView becomes unresponsive as a result of a long running blocking task such as the execution of JavaScript.
Request display and focus for this WebView.
This may happen due to another WebView opening a link in this WebView and requesting that this WebView be displayed.
Event fired when the WebView notifies that a loading URL has been flagged by Safe Browsing.
The default behavior is to show an interstitial to the user, with the reporting checkbox visible.
Event fired when the host application updates its visited links database.
This event is also fired when the navigation state of the InAppWebView changes through the usage of
javascript History API functions (pushState(), replaceState()) and onpopstate event
or, also, when the javascript window.location changes without reloading the webview (for example appending or modifying an hash to the url).
Event fired when the JavaScript window object of the WebView has lost focus.
This is the result of the blur javascript event applied to the window object.
Event fired when the JavaScript window object of the WebView has received focus.
This is the result of the focus javascript event applied to the window object.
Event fired when a request is sent to a server through Fetch API.
It gives the host application a chance to take control over the request before sending it.
Notify the host application of a resource request and allow the application to return the data.
If the return value is null, the WebView will continue to load the resource as usual.
Otherwise, the return response and data will be used.
Give the host application a chance to take control when a URL is about to be loaded in the current WebView. This event is not called on the initial load of the WebView.