open method

Future<void> open({
  1. WebUri? url,
  2. Map<String, String>? headers,
  3. List<WebUri>? otherLikelyURLs,
  4. WebUri? referrer,
  5. @Deprecated('Use settings instead') ChromeSafariBrowserClassOptions? options,
  6. ChromeSafariBrowserSettings? settings,

Opens the PlatformChromeSafariBrowser instance with an url.

url - The url to load. On iOS, the url is required and must use the http or https scheme.

headers (Supported only on Android) - whitelisted cross-origin request headers. It is possible to attach non-whitelisted headers to cross-origin requests, when the server and client are related using a digital asset link.

otherLikelyURLs - Other likely destinations, sorted in decreasing likelihood order. Supported only on Android.

referrer - referrer header. Supported only on Android.

options - Deprecated. Use settings instead.

settings - Settings for the PlatformChromeSafariBrowser.

Officially Supported Platforms/Implementations:

  • Android
  • iOS


Future<void> open(
    {WebUri? url,
    Map<String, String>? headers,
    List<WebUri>? otherLikelyURLs,
    WebUri? referrer,
    @Deprecated('Use settings instead')
    // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
    ChromeSafariBrowserClassOptions? options,
    ChromeSafariBrowserSettings? settings}) {
  throw UnimplementedError('open is not implemented on the current platform');