PullToRefreshController constructor

  1. void onRefresh()?,
  2. @Deprecated("Use settings instead") PullToRefreshOptions? options,
  3. PullToRefreshSettings? settings,

A standard controller that can initiate the refreshing of a scroll view’s contents. This should be used whenever the user can refresh the contents of a WebView via a vertical swipe gesture.

All the methods should be called only when the WebView has been created or is already running (for example PlatformWebViewCreationParams.onWebViewCreated or PlatformInAppBrowserEvents.onBrowserCreated).

NOTE for Android: to be able to use the "pull-to-refresh" feature, InAppWebViewSettings.useHybridComposition must be true.

Officially Supported Platforms/Implementations:

  • Android native WebView
  • iOS


    {void Function()? onRefresh,
    @Deprecated("Use settings instead") PullToRefreshOptions? options,
    PullToRefreshSettings? settings})
    : this.fromPlatformCreationParams(
          params: PlatformPullToRefreshControllerCreationParams(
              onRefresh: onRefresh, options: options, settings: settings));