
webp pub.dev badge

Asset transformer for converting images into WebP files.

Install package

flutter pub add webp

Package usage

Add to your pubspec.yaml.

Default usage

If run without additional arguments, the default value of the quality parameter = 75 with lossy compression will be used.

    - path: assets/logo.jpg
        - package: webp

Usage with params

    - path: assets/logo.jpg
        - package: webp
          args: ['--quality=65', '--hint=graph', '--af']

By default, the package runs the embedded precompiled cwebp binary. You can use the one specified in your $PATH by adding the --from_path flag.

    - path: assets/logo.jpg
        - package: webp
          args: ['--from_path']

cwebp parameters

Here are some commonly used parameters for cwebp:

  • -q, --quality: Set the quality factor for the output image. The value should be between 0 and 100, with 100 being the highest quality. For example, --quality=80.
  • --lossless: Encode the image without any loss. For images with fully transparent area, the invisible pixel values (R/G/B or Y/U/V) will be preserved only if the --exact option is used..
  • -m, --method: Set the compression method. The value can be 0 (fastest), 1 (default), 2 (slowest), or 3 (best quality). For example, --method=2.
  • -f, --filter: Set the filter strength. The value can be between 0 and 100, with 0 being no filtering and 100 being maximum filtering. For example, --filter=50.
  • -s, --size: Set the target size for the output image. The value should be in bytes. For example, --size=500000.

For a complete list of parameters and their descriptions, please refer to the cwebp documentation.

Supported architectures

The package provides cwebp binaries for the following architectures:

  • windows-x64,
  • macos-x64,
  • macos-arm64,
  • linux-x64,
  • linux-arm64.

Note: You can still use the package on other architectures with cwebp from your $PATH.

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