
Asset transformer for converting images into WebP files.

Install cwebp

Option 1: Download precompiled binaries from Google

Follow the instructions at https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/precompiled to download and install the precompiled binaries for cwebp.

Option 2: Install using Homebrew (macOS)

If you are using macOS and have Homebrew installed, you can install cwebp using the following command: brew install webp

Install package

flutter pub add webp --dev

Package usage

Add to your pubspec.yaml

Default usage

If run without additional arguments, the default value of the quality parameter = 75 with lossy compression will be used.

    - path: assets/logo.jpg
        - package: webp

Usage with params

    - path: assets/logo.jpg
        - package: webp
          args: ['--quality=65', '--hint=graph', '--af']

cwebp parameters

Here are some commonly used parameters for cwebp:

  • -q, --quality: Set the quality factor for the output image. The value should be between 0 and 100, with 100 being the highest quality. For example, --quality=80.
  • --lossless: Encode the image without any loss. For images with fully transparent area, the invisible pixel values (R/G/B or Y/U/V) will be preserved only if the --exact option is used..
  • -m, --method: Set the compression method. The value can be 0 (fastest), 1 (default), 2 (slowest), or 3 (best quality). For example, --method=2.
  • -f, --filter: Set the filter strength. The value can be between 0 and 100, with 0 being no filtering and 100 being maximum filtering. For example, --filter=50.
  • -s, --size: Set the target size for the output image. The value should be in bytes. For example, --size=500000.

For a complete list of parameters and their descriptions, please refer to the cwebp documentation.
