canParse static method

bool canParse(
  1. Object url, [
  2. Object? base

Creates a DOMString containing a URL representing the object given in the parameter. The URL lifetime is tied to the document in the window on which it was created. The new object URL represents the specified File object or Blob object.

Revokes an object URL previously created using URL.createObjectURL(). MDN reference

Returns a Boolean indicating if the given string is a well-formed URL.


// static String createObjectURL(Object object) =>
//     internal.createObjectURL(object);

/// Revokes an object URL previously created using URL.createObjectURL().
// static void revokeObjectURL(String url) => internal.revokeObjectURL(url);

/// [MDN reference](
/// Returns a Boolean indicating if the given string is a well-formed URL.
static bool canParse(Object url, [Object? base]) =>
    helpers.canParse(url, base);