formData method

Future<FormData> formData()

Returns a promise that resolves with a FormData representation of the response body.

MDN Reference


Future<FormData> formData() async {

  _storage[#bodyUsed] = true;

  final existing = _storage[#fromData];
  if (existing is FormData) return existing;

  // If content-type is `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` then parse the
  // body as URLSearchParams.
  if (headers
          ?.startsWith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') ==
      true) {
    final params = URLSearchParams(await text());
    final formData = FormData();
    for (final (name, value) in params.entries()) {
      formData.append(name, value);

    return _storage[#fromData] = formData;

  return switch (body) {
    Stream<Uint8List> stream => await FormData.decode(
        stream, _storage[#boundary] ?? headers.multipartBoundary),
    _ => FormData(),