clipY property

bool clipY


bool get clipY {
  RenderBoxModel renderBoxModel = this as RenderBoxModel;

  // Recycler layout not need repaintBoundary and scroll/pointer listeners,
  // ignoring overflowX or overflowY sets, which handle it self.
  if (renderBoxModel is RenderSliverListLayout) {
    return false;

  List<Radius>? borderRadius = renderStyle.borderRadius;

  // The content of replaced elements is always trimmed to the content edge curve.
  if (borderRadius != null && this is RenderReplaced && renderStyle.aspectRatio != null) {
    return true;

  // Overflow value other than 'visible' always need to clip content.
  CSSOverflowType effectiveOverflowY = renderStyle.effectiveOverflowY;
  if (effectiveOverflowY != CSSOverflowType.visible) {
    Size scrollableSize = renderBoxModel.scrollableSize;
    Size scrollableViewportSize = renderBoxModel.scrollableViewportSize;
    // Border-radius always to clip inner content when overflow is not visible.
    if (scrollableSize.height > scrollableViewportSize.height
        || borderRadius != null
        || (renderBoxModel.overflowRect != null && renderBoxModel.overflowRect!.top < 0)
    ) {
      return true;
  return false;