handleEvent method

  1. @override
void handleEvent(
  1. PointerEvent event,
  2. covariant BoxHitTestEntry entry

Override this method to handle pointer events that hit this render object.

For RenderBox objects, the entry argument is a BoxHitTestEntry. From this object you can determine the PointerDownEvent's position in local coordinates. (This is useful because PointerEvent.position is in global coordinates.)

Implementations of this method should call debugHandleEvent as follows, so that they support debugPaintPointersEnabled:

class RenderFoo extends RenderBox {
  // ...

  void handleEvent(PointerEvent event, HitTestEntry entry) {
    assert(debugHandleEvent(event, entry));
    // ... handle the event ...

  // ...


void handleEvent(PointerEvent event, BoxHitTestEntry entry) {
  assert(debugHandleEvent(event, entry));
  // Set event path at begin stage and reset it at end stage on viewport render box.
  // And if event path existed, it means current render box is not the first in path.
  if (getEventTarget != null) {
    if (event is PointerDownEvent) {
      // Store the first handleEvent the event path list.
      GestureDispatcher? dispatcher = gestureDispatcher;
      assert(dispatcher != null, 'GestureDispatcher is not implemented, the event handing won\'t work properly. '
          'If you are rendering WebF renderObjects outside of WebF, You needs to wrap it with [Portal] widget.');
      if (dispatcher != null && dispatcher.getEventPath().isEmpty) {

  super.handleEvent(event, entry);