flushPendingProperties method

void flushPendingProperties()


void flushPendingProperties() {
  Element? _target = target;
  // If style target element not exists, no need to do flush operation.
  if (_target == null) return;

  // Display change from none to other value that the renderBoxModel is null.
  if (_pendingProperties.containsKey(DISPLAY) &&
      _target.isConnected &&
      _target.parentElement?.renderStyle.display != CSSDisplay.sliver) {
    CSSPropertyValue? prevValue = _properties[DISPLAY];
    CSSPropertyValue currentValue = _pendingProperties[DISPLAY]!;
    _properties[DISPLAY] = currentValue;
    _emitPropertyChanged(DISPLAY, prevValue?.value, currentValue.value, baseHref: currentValue.baseHref);

  RenderBoxModel? renderBoxModel = _target.renderBoxModel;
  if (_pendingProperties.isEmpty || renderBoxModel == null) {

  Map<String, CSSPropertyValue> pendingProperties = _pendingProperties;
  // Reset first avoid set property in flush stage.
  _pendingProperties = {};

  List<String> propertyNames = pendingProperties.keys.toList();
  for (String propertyName in _propertyOrders) {
    int index = propertyNames.indexOf(propertyName);
    if (index > -1) {
      propertyNames.insert(0, propertyName);

  Map<String, CSSPropertyValue?> prevValues = {};
  for (String propertyName in propertyNames) {
    // Update the prevValue to currentValue.
    prevValues[propertyName] = _properties[propertyName];
    _properties[propertyName] = pendingProperties[propertyName]!;

  propertyNames.sort((left, right) {
    final isVariableLeft = CSSVariable.isVariable(left) ? 1 : 0;
    final isVariableRight = CSSVariable.isVariable(right) ? 1 : 0;
    if (isVariableLeft == 1 || isVariableRight == 1) {
      return isVariableRight - isVariableLeft;
    return 0;

  for (String propertyName in propertyNames) {
    CSSPropertyValue? prevValue = prevValues[propertyName];
    CSSPropertyValue currentValue = pendingProperties[propertyName]!;
    _emitPropertyChanged(propertyName, prevValue?.value, currentValue.value, baseHref: currentValue.baseHref);
