contentMaxConstraintsWidth property

  1. @override
double contentMaxConstraintsWidth


double get contentMaxConstraintsWidth {
  if (enableWebFProfileTracking) {

  // If renderBoxModel definite content constraints, use it as max constrains width of content.
  BoxConstraints? contentConstraints = renderBoxModel!.contentConstraints;
  if (contentConstraints != null && contentConstraints.maxWidth != double.infinity) {
    if (enableWebFProfileTracking) {
    return contentConstraints.maxWidth;

  double contentMaxConstraintsWidth = double.infinity;
  RenderStyle renderStyle = this;
  double? borderBoxLogicalWidth;
  RenderStyle? ancestorRenderStyle = _findAncestorWithContentBoxLogicalWidth();

  // If renderBoxModel has no logical width (eg. display is inline-block/inline-flex and
  // has no width), the child width is constrained by its closest ancestor who has definite logical content box width.
  if (ancestorRenderStyle != null) {
    borderBoxLogicalWidth = ancestorRenderStyle.contentBoxLogicalWidth;

  if (borderBoxLogicalWidth != null) {
    contentMaxConstraintsWidth =
        borderBoxLogicalWidth - renderStyle.border.horizontal - renderStyle.padding.horizontal;
    // Logical width may be smaller than its border and padding width,
    // in this case, content width will be negative which is illegal.
    // <div style="width: 300px;">
    //   <div style="display: inline-block; padding: 0 200px;">
    //   </div>
    // </div>
    contentMaxConstraintsWidth = math.max(0, contentMaxConstraintsWidth);

  if (enableWebFProfileTracking) {

  return contentMaxConstraintsWidth;