decoration property

CSSBoxDecoration? decoration

What decoration to paint, should get value after layout.


CSSBoxDecoration? get decoration {
  List<Radius>? radius = this.borderRadius;
  List<BorderSide>? borderSides = this.borderSides;

  if (backgroundColor == null &&
      backgroundImage == null &&
      borderSides == null &&
      radius == null &&
      shadows == null) {
    return null;

  Border? border;
  if (borderSides != null) {
    // Side read inorder left top right bottom.
    border = Border(left: borderSides[0], top: borderSides[1], right: borderSides[2], bottom: borderSides[3]);

  BorderRadius? borderRadius;
  // Flutter border radius only works when border is uniform.
  if (radius != null && (border == null || border.isUniform)) {
    borderRadius = BorderRadius.only(
      topLeft: radius[0],
      topRight: radius[1],
      bottomRight: radius[2],
      bottomLeft: radius[3],

  Gradient? gradient = backgroundClip != CSSBackgroundBoundary.text ? backgroundImage?.gradient : null;
  if (gradient is BorderGradientMixin && border != null) {
    gradient.borderEdge = border.dimensions as EdgeInsets;

  DecorationImage? decorationImage;
  ImageProvider? image = backgroundImage?.image;
  if (image != null) {
    decorationImage = DecorationImage(
      image: image,
      repeat: backgroundRepeat.imageRepeat(),

  return CSSBoxDecoration(
    boxShadow: shadows,
    color: gradient != null ? null : backgroundColor?.value, // FIXME: chrome will work with gradient and color.
    image: decorationImage,
    border: border,
    borderRadius: borderRadius,
    gradient: gradient,