finishIdentifier method

Token finishIdentifier()


Token finishIdentifier() {
  // If we encounter an escape sequence, remember it so we can post-process
  // to unescape.
  var chars = <int>[];

  // backup so we can start with the first character
  var validateFrom = _index;
  _index = _startIndex;
  while (_index < _text.length) {
    var ch = _text.codeUnitAt(_index);

    // If the previous character was "\" we need to escape. T
    // if followed by hexadecimal digits, create the appropriate character.
    // otherwise, include the character in the identifier and don't treat it
    // specially.
    if (ch == 92 /*\*/ && _inString) {
      var startHex = ++_index;
      eatHexDigits(startHex + 6);
      if (_index != startHex) {
        // Parse the hex digits and add that character.
        chars.add(int.parse('0x' + _text.substring(startHex, _index)));

        if (_index == _text.length) break;

        // if we stopped the hex because of a whitespace char, skip it
        ch = _text.codeUnitAt(_index);
        if (_index - startHex != 6 && (ch == TokenChar.SPACE || ch == TokenChar.TAB || ch == TokenChar.RETURN || ch == TokenChar.NEWLINE)) {
      } else {
        // not a digit, just add the next character literally
        if (_index == _text.length) break;
    } else if (_index < validateFrom || (inSelectorExpression ? TokenizerHelpers.isIdentifierPartExpr(ch) : TokenizerHelpers.isIdentifierPart(ch))) {
    } else {
      // Not an identifier or escaped character.

  var span = _file.span(_startIndex, _index);
  var text = String.fromCharCodes(chars);

  return IdentifierToken(text, getIdentifierKind(), span);