matchList static method

int matchList(
  1. Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>> identList,
  2. String tokenField,
  3. String text,
  4. int offset,
  5. int length,

Return the token that matches the unit ident found.


static int matchList(
    Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>> identList, String tokenField, String text, int offset, int length) {
  for (final entry in identList) {
    final ident = entry['value'] as String;

    if (length == ident.length) {
      var idx = offset;
      var match = true;
      for (var i = 0; i < ident.length; i++) {
        var identChar = ident.codeUnitAt(i);
        var char = text.codeUnitAt(idx++);
        // Compare lowercase to lowercase then check if char is uppercase.
        match = match &&
            (char == identChar || ((char >= ASCII_UPPER_A && char <= ASCII_UPPER_Z) && (char + 32) == identChar));
        if (!match) {

      if (match) {
        // Completely matched; return the token for this unit.
        return entry[tokenField] as int;

  return -1; // Not a unit token.