createTextSpan static method

TextSpan createTextSpan(
  1. String? text,
  2. CSSRenderStyle renderStyle, {
  3. Color? color,
  4. double? height,


static TextSpan createTextSpan(
  String? text,
  CSSRenderStyle renderStyle, {
  Color? color,
  double? height,
}) {
  // Creates a new TextStyle object.
  //   color: The color to use when painting the text. If this is specified, foreground must be null.
  //   decoration: The decorations to paint near the text (e.g., an underline).
  //   decorationColor: The color in which to paint the text decorations.
  //   decorationStyle: The style in which to paint the text decorations (e.g., dashed).
  //   fontWeight: The typeface thickness to use when painting the text (e.g., bold).
  //   fontStyle: The typeface variant to use when drawing the letters (e.g., italics).
  //   fontSize: The size of glyphs (in logical pixels) to use when painting the text.
  //   letterSpacing: The amount of space (in logical pixels) to add between each letter.
  //   wordSpacing: The amount of space (in logical pixels) to add at each sequence of white-space (i.e. between /// each word).
  //   textBaseline: The common baseline that should be aligned between this text span and its parent text span, /// or, for the root text spans, with the line box.
  //   height: The height of this text span, as a multiple of the font size.
  //   locale: The locale used to select region-specific glyphs.
  //   background: The paint drawn as a background for the text.
  //   foreground: The paint used to draw the text. If this is specified, color must be null.
  TextStyle textStyle = TextStyle(
      color: renderStyle.backgroundClip != CSSBackgroundBoundary.text ? color ?? renderStyle.color.value : null,
      decoration: renderStyle.textDecorationLine,
      decorationColor: renderStyle.textDecorationColor?.value,
      decorationStyle: renderStyle.textDecorationStyle,
      fontWeight: renderStyle.fontWeight,
      fontStyle: renderStyle.fontStyle,
      fontFamilyFallback: renderStyle.fontFamily,
      fontSize: renderStyle.fontSize.computedValue,
      letterSpacing: renderStyle.letterSpacing?.computedValue,
      wordSpacing: renderStyle.wordSpacing?.computedValue,
      shadows: renderStyle.textShadow,
      textBaseline: CSSText.getTextBaseLine(),
      package: CSSText.getFontPackage(),
      locale: CSSText.getLocale(),
      background: CSSText.getBackground(),
      foreground: null,
      height: height);
  return TextSpan(
    text: text,
    style: textStyle,