cssText method
String cssText() {
final function = tileMode == TileMode.clamp ? 'linear-gradient' : 'repeating-linear-gradient';
var to = '';
if (_angle != null) {
to = '${_angle! / (2 * math.pi / 360)}deg';
} else {
if (end == Alignment.topLeft) {
to = 'to left top';
} else if (end == Alignment.topRight) {
to = 'to right top';
} else if (end == Alignment.topCenter) {
to = 'to top';
} else if (end == Alignment.bottomLeft) {
to = 'to left bottom';
} else if (end == Alignment.bottomRight) {
to = 'to right bottom';
} else if (end == Alignment.bottomCenter) {
to = 'to bottom';
final colorTexts = [];
final includeStop = !(stops?.length == 2 && stops?[0] == 0 && stops?[1] == 1);
for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
var text = CSSColor(colors[i]).cssText();
if (stops != null && stops![i] >= 0 && includeStop) {
text += ' ${stops![i] * 100}%';
return '$function($to, ${colorTexts.join(', ')})';