WebEngagePlugin class

A Flutter plugin for integrating WebEngage SDK into your Flutter applications.




anonymousActionSink Sink
no setter
anonymousActionStream Stream<Map<String, dynamic>?>
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
pushActionSink Sink
no setter
pushActionStream Stream<PushPayload>
no setter
pushSink Sink
no setter
pushStream Stream<PushPayload>
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
trackDeeplinkStream Stream<String?>
no setter
trackDeeplinkURLStreamSink Sink
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setUpInAppCallbacks(MessageHandlerInAppClick onInAppClick, MessageHandler onInAppShown, MessageHandler onInAppDismiss, MessageHandler onInAppPrepared) → void
Sets up callbacks for in-app notification events.
setUpPushCallbacks(MessageHandlerPushClick onPushClick, MessageHandlerPushClick onPushActionClick) → void
Deprecated: Use '_pushClickStream' and 'pushActionStream' instead. This method will be removed in future builds.
tokenInvalidatedCallback(MessageHandler onTokenInvalidated) → void
Sets up a callback for token invalidated events.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

platformVersion Future<String?>
no setter

Static Methods

setSecureToken(String userId, String secureToken) Future<void>
Sets a secure token for the specified user.
setUserAttribute(String attributeName, dynamic userAttributeValue) Future<void>
setUserAttributes(Map userAttributeValue) Future<void>
setUserBirthDate(String birthDate) Future<void>
setUserCompany(String company) Future<void>
setUserDevicePushOptIn(bool status) Future<void>
Sets the user's device push notification opt-in status to status
setUserEmail(String email) Future<void>
setUserFirstName(String firstName) Future<void>
Sets the user's first name to firstName.
setUserGender(String gender) Future<void>
setUserHashedEmail(String email) Future<void>
setUserHashedPhone(String phone) Future<void>
setUserLastName(String lastName) Future<void>
Sets the user's last name to lastName.
setUserLocation(double lat, double lng) Future<void>
setUserOptIn(String channel, bool optIn) Future<void>
setUserPhone(String phone) Future<void>
startGAIDTracking() Future<void>
Starts tracking Google Advertising ID (GAID) on Android devices using platform channels. Returns a Future
trackEvent(String eventName, [Map<String, dynamic>? attributes]) Future<void>
Tracks an event with the specified eventName and optional attributes.
trackScreen(String eventName, [Map<String, dynamic>? screenData]) Future<void>
Tracks a screen with the specified eventName and optional screenData.
userLogin(String userId, [String? secureToken]) Future<void>
Initiates a user login action with an optional secure token.
userLogout() Future<void>
Initiates user logout.