
An artisnal hand-crafted interopability library for the web platform.

package/webby Version for package:webby Dartdoc reference


Most use cases of running processes are typically handled by importing and using dart:io and using the Process class. However, the proc library provides a more flexible and extensible API for running and managing processes.

  • Setting default parameters for launching processes.
  • Cross-platform APIs that do not require dart:io.
  • Create and manage individual processes using ProcessController.
  • Emulate a file system like environment using ExecutableContainer.


import 'package:proc/proc.dart';

void main() async {
  final tool = p.join('tool', 'echo.dart');
  final host = ProcessHost();
  final proc = await host.start(tool, ['stdout']);


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dart test

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./chore coverage

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./chore dartodc


An artisnal hand-crafted interopability library for the web platform.